Friday, 4 December 2009

Sleeping under the stars


I made my bed for this post peeps. This is BIG. HUGE. I hate making our bed. So you know it’s something I really want to show you. :) I have to tell you, this is one of my most favorite Christmas decorations I’ve ever done. And it’s somewhere you would never guess – our bed! (Now now now – get your heads out of the gutter! This is a PG blog.) :)

It all started with this photo I saw in the Pottery Barn catalog a couple months ago:


I don’t know why, but I fell absolutely head over heels in love with the idea of greenery draped over the canopy rails and the little ornaments hanging down. How dreamy. For weeks I’ve been planning how I could do the same.

I thought I would just use some greenery I already had, but when all was said and done this week, I had little left to use. All I had was the skimpy dollar store garland, and I tried to beef it up by weaving some together, but it just wasn’t right. So because I wanted to do this so bad, I took another trip to Big Lots for the natural looking greenery from our mantel.

But then…THEN…during a quick stop to Lowes, I found IT. Real white pine greenery – in all it’s fabulous, silky fluffiness. It was gorg. I kept petting it and loving on it and putting it in and out of my cart. I’ve never bought real greenery for decor – I use cuttings from our tree and that’s it. So spending money on something that was going to dry up in a few weeks was like pulling my teeth.

BUT it was just $7 for 20 feet. And it was so soft and droopy and I was in lurve. I took it home. I started by halving the greenery, then draping it around the rails. I secured it here and there with floral wire:


I knew from the very start what I would use instead of the ornaments – my dollar spot lanterns from Target! I took them right out of the outdoor storage bench, and even kept the sand in them:

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I used my little LED lights so there’s no danger of fire! (That’s the important part.) I can easily access them to turn them off, but they have so many hours of power, I may just leave them on.

I just tied up the lanterns with floral wire as well, and varied the lengths:


Oh my goodness gracious holy canoly shut the front door. I. love. it.


This is how it looks with the lights down low:


The tag says to mist the greenery with water to keep it fresh longer. I really hope it holds up – anyone know how long it will last?


Hubby loved it so much, he asked “Can we just leave it up all year?” Serious as a heart attack. Be still my heart, I love that man.

I’ve done a few other little things in our bedroom I’ll show you soon, but one last thing for tonight is the red “pillow” on the bed:


Please ignore the massive divots in the mattress. Those showed up pretty much immediately and they drive me mad! Taking pics of our bed gives me hives because of them. The poor red pillow is sinking into an abyss.

I wanted just a pop of red on the bed, and thought about buying a red pillow, but then remembered something I had seen somewhere in blogland – a pillow made out of a towel!:


I just took a towel, rolled it up, then rolled it up in the red silk (that I already had). To secure it, I stuck the fabric into the each end:


This is temporary, of course. But it has my mind going – with some batting to make it more substantial, and a bit more work, this could be a “real” pillow!

Our bedroom is one of our favorite rooms in the house – we just love being in there. So last year I started decorating just a bit for Christmas and it’s just dreamy. Hanging the greenery took very little time and total cost was $7. Totally worth it to sleep under twinkling lights. ;)

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