Sunday, 13 December 2009

A Christmas tree party!


Welcome to the party!
(You can grab the button on the left of my site.)

So glad you could join me to check out some fabulous Christmas trees! And all without any cleaning, cooking and I can stay in my comfy pants. ;)

I showed you our family room tree last year, but I got a new tree for a steal after Christmas last year, so I have to show you again. It’s much taller and much skinnier, and I got it for $12 at Goodwill! I just wish I could find tall and skinny for $12 at Goodwill. The only place I can find that is in our basement on the treadmill. Drats.

I like to call this tree my ballerina tree, because the skirt looks like a phoofy tulle skirt. ;) I start with some fluffy stuff to keep the floor protected, then I add some soft felt stuff to add some volume:


I also had to add some magazines under one side, because the tree was leaning precariously for some reason. I do not have luck with trees the past couple of years.

Then I add the tulle and just fluff like crazy:


Ummmmm, OR, I add a fat cat who has now determined this is her bed and lays here about 23.5 hours of every day. The little stink also likes to drag it all around so it’s just so.

I’m not kidding when I say our three cats are harder to keep up with than our three-year-old son. But I wuv their fluffy wittle faces, yes I do!!

OK, done.

I had a friend make some bows for this tree a couple years ago, (now I can make my own, yippee!), and this year I attached a couple of them together to make one bigger bow for the top of the tree. I am quite obsessed with running ribbon throughout the trees too:

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This tree is only in silver and white, and I’m always on the lookout for additions. I scored some GORG ornaments at our annual ornament exchange this year. They are perfectly perfect! (Said in a sing song voice.):

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Good thing I pulled a good number so I could steal them from my BFF. Yep. I did.

Our pretty ballerina tree!:


I have an issue with ornaments…they can’t hang and lean into a branch. Do you know what I mean? Like all wabberjockey? They have to hang perfectly into a nice little open spot. So to get them just the right length so they do this, I will curl up the hooks like so:


I can get them to whatever length I need that way. :) Issues. So many.

Our living room tree is the main one and is always a live one. And I am always cursing the live tree every. single. year right around January 1. But, I just can’t live without it. There is nothing like a live tree, there just isn’t.

This tree is always a bit more fancy and I have always used lovely red and burgundy and gold ornaments throughout. It just so happens that these colors go perfectly in that room.

I’ve always used fab ribbon for this tree, but this year I eyed the gauzy stuff at Hob Lob for the 40th time and finally just got it. I got two packages and cut them into three lengths, so it would be enough to go around the tree.

The only color they had left was a pretty red/gold mixture, and I LOVE it! It’s so full and pretty in the tree! It practically glows. I used my ribbon that I used to drape around the tree to make a new topper this year. I only had pieces of it, but I just used the bowmaker like I normally would, and I like how it turned out!

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My favorite part of this tree every year is the variety of poinsettias I stuff in here and there:


They are perfect for adding texture and depth. And you can fill in the odd spots on a real tree – the big empty places that you aren’t sure what to do with. :)

This is the “fancy” tree, but one of my favorite additions last year was our Santa boot. It’s adorable. And this year I added my clearanced sparkly snowflakes as well. I just nestled them into the branches here and there:


I’m taken with anything sparkly lately, and if you’ve seen my decor this year, you know I’m lurving the RED!

Again, my tree skirt is just faux red silk fabric draped around, with gauzy burgundy fabric laid over the top:


Cheap. Easy! You can use just about anything for a tree skirt! Fabric, drapes, a real skirt even!

This tree is about two feet shorter than what we usually get, but after the tree that tumbled last year, I wasn’t going to push my luck. ;) But this one is much fatter, and he is just positively jolly in his chubbiness. I lurve him.

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Ho! Ho! Ho!


Three of our four trees!:


I added one in the playroom for the Bub this year, and it’s adorable. I’ll show you that one soon, you’ll just die.

So link it up ladies!! You know the drill – make sure you link to your tree post! I will have to delete any links that go just to your blog. (And I hate that!) The links will be open through this Friday night! Have fun!

I almost forgot! Check out more fab parties around blogland:
Julia's at Hooked on Houses
Nester's at The Nesting Place
Rhoda's at Southern Hospitality

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