Wednesday, 18 November 2009

A glam christmas table


OK, a few things before I start this post. I’m writing this one in Live Writer for the first time ever, and holy canoly, it’s freaking awesome! I love how easy this is to work with, and that it’s so easy to change and move photos! So this post may look a little different. (Let me know if it works OK for you!)

Second – YES, it’s a Christmas post. YES, I am decorating now. Well, this is the first of it, but hold on to your seats folks! I am loving the little bits of magic appearing in our house. I used to be the girl who groaned when I saw Christmas stuff inching it’s way out to the stores so early. But over the years, my glee at the sight of the decor grows more and more. I am quite sure this is due to our almost three-year-old. He is positively GIDDY, and it’s rubbing off. ; )

Because we aren’t hosting Thanksgiving this year, I figured I would go ahead and tackle the dining room, just because I’m excited to decorate it for the holidays with the new look.

I had the decor in my head, but I stopped midway when I found new inspiration at Goodwill, of all places. I got a small tub full of ornaments in the most gorgeous colors – colors I’ve never used for Christmas decor. They were sparkly coffee brown, creamy latte and copper tones and I fell. in. love.

So the new table was born in my head. : )

First, I started with my greenery. Greenery is my addiction this time of year. I’m not even kidding peeps, you’ll probably see it in every post for the next six weeks. I would fry it up and eat it for breakfast if I could. LURVE.

I just cut it apart with my wire cutters and stuffed it here and there so it filled in the empty spots on the centerpiece:


If you are new to these parts, you can see how I created the centerpiece here. : )

Then, I just filled it with the metallic ornaments here and there:


The shiny ornaments are looking gold in the pics, but they are really a gorg copper color. (You can also see me contorting myself to get a good picture in the reflection. Ha!)

I added some pine cones I had in my Christmas decor stash:


I had spray painted them with my caramel latte spray paint:


It is a loverly color. It just screams Christmas.

I gave the votive holders a tiny bit of bling by brushing on just a bit of glaze, then sprayed them with gold glitter spray:


It gives them look of strie, which I love.

I finished off the table with massive sparkly ornaments from Hob Lob in each bowl:029


The ornaments were two per package, half off…so about $10 for all of them. The ornaments in the centerpiece were $7 at Goodwill, but I have a ton left I plan to use elsewhere. The rest of the items I had.


My obligitory night time shot:

062I am SO thrilled with how it turned out. Simple, but glam. Sigh. (I just realized every picture I decided to use is from this same angle -- sorry about that! Must be it's "good" side.)

The longest part of this project was waiting for the paint to dry on the votives and pine cones. Putting the rest of it together took about 20 minutes. Easy peasy Squeeeezaaaays!!

Has the Christmas decorating bug bitten you yet?

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